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What Is Blockchain- Characteristics, Works, Uses, And More

What Is Blockchain- Characteristics, Works, Uses, And More

What Is Blockchain:  It is a database or open registry that multiple users share in a peer-to-peer paradigm. That provides for the immutable and orderly storing of information.

It is a phrase connected with c since, in addition to being the technology that underpins them, it gave birth to the first virtual currency in history, Bitcoin, in 2009. In this instance, the data put to the blockchain is public, and network users can review it at any moment.

However, keep in mind that cryptocurrencies are just that: coins! As is the case with the euro, the dollar, or any other kind of paper currency. Each is a simple substance with a printed value, but the economic principles that underpin it allow for its usage and value creation.

Something similar happens with virtual currencies. In this case, it is blockchain technology that allows its operation. Its main objective is to create an unchangeable record of everything that happens in the blockchain, which is why we speak of a secure and transparent system.

Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), or any other cryptocurrency is simply a virtual currency built on the blockchain will use to send or receive the amount of money that each participant has. This technology keeps the transactions publicly registered but keeps the participants anonymous.

However, although it will create to store the history of Bitcoin operations, over the years, a great potential has been identified to be applied in other fields and sectors due to the possibilities it offers.

Characteristics Of Blockchain Technology

The progress of this system has been unknown since its inception, but little by little, we are learning more details about its operation:

 Blockchain Security

Cryptography is a fundamental pillar in the operation of the blockchain, which provides security on the data stored in the system and the information shared between the network nodes. It is also known as public-key cryptography.


By representing a shared record of events, this technology builds trust with users. And not only that, but it eliminates the possibility of manipulation by hackers and generates a ledger of operations that all network members can access.


Thanks to asymmetric cryptography and hash functions, a distributed ledger can be implemented that guarantees security. In addition, it allows reaching consensus on the integrity of the data among the network participants without resorting to an entity that centralizes the information. When the data add to the distributed database, it is practically impossible to modify it.


It is one of the basic requirements to build trust. Its application in different activities, such as supply chains, allows the traceability of the product from its origin. In the blockchain, transparency will make the software code run the chain public and generate a community of applications.

3 Keys To Understand How The Blockchain Works

You are one step away from knowing everything about the blockchain. Now that you know its definition and its main features and related terms, it’s time to combine everything you’ve learned to discover how it works. Take note!

The Jack, Horse, King Of Transactions

Networks use peer-to-peer data exchange technology to connect different users who share information. When a transaction makes, it will record as a block of data transmitted to all parties to will validate. The data is not centralized in a central system but shared by all network users.

The transaction is the movement of an asset, and the block can record the chosen information, from what, who, when, to where, how much, and how. Each block will connect to the previous and subsequent ones forming a chain (blockchain) as a kind of indelible record. Each additional partnership reinforces the verification of the previous one and eliminates the possibility of being manipulated. Finally, the transaction  do.

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The Structure Of The Blocks


The chain stores a lot of information, which allows it to grow over time. This is why it has been necessary to create efficient query mechanisms without downloading all the news: the Merkle hash tree.

It is a tree data structure that allows a large number of separate data to be related to a single hash value, which provides a very efficient method of verifying the contents of large information structures.

Generation Of The Chain Blocks

First of all, it is a decentralized process. Users must become nodes within the system to issue new operations. If they want to become miners and create blocks, they must compete with others. And for this, a distributed consensus will need in which the nodes can generate valid data. The validation process will base on asymmetric cryptography with a public and private key. The issued transactions will validate the nodes in the newly mined block and their correct link to the previous block (must contain the hash).

 The Most Common Uses Of The Blockchain

“But  creat this technology for cryptocurrency operations.”

That’s right, but the passage of time, research, and social needs have seen great potential in this technology to will apply in other areas:

Voting Systems

Some states, such as West Virginia, are implementing electronic voting through the blockchain, although it is still a framework to regulate. However, you do not need to travel that far. Following the recent elections to the Madrid Assembly and the condition of the COVID-19 epidemic, and its constraints on mobility and assembly of people, they advocated the use of electronic voting using blockchain. Its traceability and immutability make it an ideal voting mechanism. It would not only boost openness and dependability, but it would also be capable of auditing in real-time.

Smart Contracts

Among its main features, we find auto run and immutability. They are programs that automatically fulfill and execute registered agreements between the parties. In any transaction where a registered deal is necessary, such as a guarantee deposit or product contract. Aamo Learn about some examples of smart contracts in Spain at this link.

Supply Chain

Supervision and monitoring in food chains, as well as in production, is one of the leading applications raised with blockchain. Some examples of this technology in the food and agriculture industry are Walmart China, with food production incorporated by IBM. Or the Australian Agri Digital, which works with distributed ledgers, blockchain, and Smart Contracts.

It is not what has already will do but what is yet to come. At Occam Digital Agency, as a blockchain development company, we will convince that it is not just about programming but about analyzing the client’s needs and designing a unique user experience.

How can you take advantage of the advantages of blockchain in your business? Let us know your doubts. We can help you solve them.

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