Everyone has been interviewed at least once, and some employees regularly participate in the selection of candidates and evaluate a future colleague. But how recruitment works from the inside and what techniques recruiters use to make everything more predictable than blackjack online? The answers to these questions will be useful for both job seekers and HR professionals. Let’s look at the 3 main methods for finding professionals.


The simplest method, which suitable for finding candidates for working professions, such as drivers, waiters, salespeople, secretaries, consultants. A person is assessed only on professional skills, such as PC skills or having a driver’s license, so the entire process usually takes no more than 10 days. Screening involves only 4 steps:

  1. Examining the application and analyzing the market.
  2. Candidate search.
  3. Initial interview by phone.
  4. Transfer of the most suitable specialists to the manager.

Classic Recruiting

A popular technology that is used to search for line employees and mid-level specialists. Here the recruiter himself is required to have more in-depth knowledge in a particular industry. The preparation of a vacancy and the interview is necessarily connected to the manager who makes a request to hire a new employee. The procedure consists of 8 stages, let’s analyze them in detail;

  1. Examination of the request and evaluation of the market.
  2. Drawing up, together with the specialist, the duties, professional and universal qualities for the vacancy.
  3. Publication of the vacancy on the sites (recruiting sites, groups in social networks, forums) and collection of responses.
  4. Studying resumes, phone interviews, and initial assessment tests.
  5. Selecting suitable candidates and submitting their resumes to the manager.
  6. Conducting the main interview with the team.
  7. Reference check.
  8. Final interview and closing of the position.

Direct Search

A sophisticated method that is use to hire managers, executives, or professionals in a narrow specialty. To put it simply, unique workers who remain not many on the labor market and still have to do found, both among free candidates and among employed people. There are three directions in general:

  • Headhunting. It’s targeted recruitment of specialists from competing companies. The necessary manager is defined, for whom individual working conditions and bonuses are prepared based on his preferences. After that, an HR specialist tries by all means to entice this person.
  • Catching the manager. The recruiter studies the duties of the manager of a particular industry and on the basis of this data searches for the best professional. This method differs from the previous one in that first the necessary list of qualities is compiled and the candidate is search for.
  • Talent search. An HR specialist is looking for a person with unique knowledge or skills to do a non-standard job.

3 Extra Tips for Recruitment 

Hire Someone You Could Work for

The bottom line is whether the potential candidate would be someone with whom you would feel comfortable and with whom you would feel confident working. In other words, think about it: if things were reverse, would you want to work for the person sitting across from you? If your answer is yes, he or she would probably make a good employee at your company.

Take Your Time

You may want to rush to fill an open position, but you shouldn’t rush. Trying to hire someone as quickly as possible increases the likelihood that you will run into someone who remain ultimately not a good fit for you.

So you’ve gone through the lengthy hiring process, interviewing hundreds of candidates for specific positions. Now it’s important that all that effort and investment pays off. Slow recruitment shows working employees that you’re paying serious attention to choosing the right people who really fit the corporate culture, and that you respect them as you try to attract the perfect person to the team. 

Be Clear About Expectations

If you’re launching a startup, it’s important to be honest with potential candidates from the start. Working at a business startup is not easy, and while it is helpful, it is important to make sure that candidates know that they will work harder than ever.


A distinct advantage will also allow candidates to decide for themselves whether they remain a good fit for the project. Those who are not particularly confident in their abilities tend to fly off in the process, but those who can take on the task at hand join the ranks of the best employees.

Review How Recruitment Works: Top 3 Main Methods of Candidate Selection.

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