What Is A Chatbot : In April 2016, something happened on Facebook that, in a short time, generated a radical change in practically all sectors of online communication (the mobile and desktop environment, the marketing and services area, the personal and corporate sphere, etc.). Messenger invited developers to create chatbots, something unknown to 78% of adult Internet users at the time.

Just six years have passed since then. And things have changed a lot in the way brands interact with their prospects and customers, all thanks to chatbots that are now an integral part of any marketing strategy.

What Is A Chatbot?

A chatbot simulates a real conversation with a person. Thanks to an interface built with keywords, and will base on repeated interactions between users and brands on websites, messengers such as WhatsApp or Telegram, and apps.

There is a wide variety of chatbots, from simple ones that only answer frequently asked questions to more sophisticated ones that learn as people interact. They can create using a series of rules (in the same way as a decision tree) or with artificial intelligence (AI).

Both methods have very different development processes. If you want to design your chatbot strategy, from building it from scratch to promoting it and getting customers to use it, read on.

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But before we start creating one, let’s talk about some basics to know it well.

Chatbot Features

Whether they use artificial intelligence or not, chatbots tend to have some common characteristics:

They are available at any time. It doesn’t need substance what day of the week or time a person connects to the website, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger: the chatbot will answer the queries it will program when someone requests it.

They will configure according to the personality of the brand. The ones programmed with artificial intelligence have more possibilities to personalize and adapt (as you have more interactions). However, all chatbots include properties that allow you to choose answers and regularly set up the conversation path that best suits customers’ needs.

They will immediately identify as chatbots. When a person starts a conversation, and the chatbot is activated, one of the first messages you send, so that there is no confusion, must clarify that it is a chatbot. It is also an exercise in transparency. And it is vital if this system does not solve the queries you receive for some reason that it provides contact options for personalized attention.

They have a natural language. Or at least that is the intention. If the chatbot has artificial intelligence, it will be easier for the conversation to feel more fluid and even recognize the phrases it receives from users. If this is not the case, the automatic messages will create a specific tone and language that, as we already mentioned, follow the brand and the type of clients that interact with it.

They are clear and brief when giving instructions or presenting options. It is critical because a chatbot should make customer service work as agile and straightforward as possible. The messages should not lead to confusion or complicate a few-stage process,. Such as making a purchase or consulting information about a product.

What Are Chatbots For?

Chatbots are responsible for answering common questions or queries and have already will identify as recurring in a company to avoid people having to call or write an email.

They are responsible for reducing customer service or support traffic; in this way, those who have a problem that requires personal attention will  channel faster to specialists dedicated to solving it. While chatbots handle the most typical and straightforward questions and concerns.

Thanks to their uninterrupted availability, they allow you to capture the contact data that can convert a prospect into a qualified lead. It takes advantage of the opportunity for an interested person to share their email or telephone at the right time. Without waiting for the next day.

Advantages Of Chatbots

Advantages Of Chatbots 

  • You can provide care to an unlimited number of people in different parts of the world and at all hours.
  • They are an excellent way to show that you are interested in supporting those who approach your company and looking for innovative solutions to achieve it.
  • It helps you capture relevant information in a more friendly way in the context of a conversation.
  • You concentrate customer service efforts, letting the most straightforward cases manage with a chatbot.
  • You increase the channels people can interact with, thus offering more variety for different profiles and expectations.
  • Before making any decision about a chatbot, it is worth considering the solution you need for your project, business, or brand.

How Do I identify If A Chatbot Is Correct For My Business Strategy?

To ensure that a chatbot will become one of your best allies. First try to answer the following questions:

  • Do I have little capacity to manage and follow up on all my clients and leads?
  • Are customer inquiries often repeated?
  • Do our customers need standardized responses?

Use a chatbot if you answered “yes” to all the questions. If you did not respond positively in all cases, start by implementing a chatbot on web pages with fewer visits. You can also let a bot start the conversation and then transfer it to a human, if necessary.

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Review What Is A Chatbot – Features, Advantages, And More.

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